Thursday, March 18, 2021

Intriguing tale to this day of the Mara Unduk story (2021)


Just find it intriguing. I wrote the Mara Unduk story way back in 1992, as the premiere presentation of the community theater, Teatro Balangaw, I founded in this island-province of Marinduque.

It was a retelling of the island's folk history as gathered since I was young, from folk tales, beliefs, practices and mythical history.

With students of Marinduque National High School, the acting workshop piece was shown at the Boac Covered Court during the Town Fiesta. It featured as guest actor the young Jeffrey Santos playing the role of Bathala, and Ian Venida (who later joined the cast of Miss Saigon), who sang my original theme song for the dance-drama, Marinduque Akin Ka.

Mara Unduk was restaged in 1996 as part of the Easter Sunday program. A week before the event, in the middle of our rehearsals came the infamous Marcopper environmental disaster, caused by irresponsible mining. 

Death and destruction was wrought to the historic Boac River.

To this day 25 years later, the people of Marinduque are still crying out justice for the tragedy.

And strangely to this day, but elsewhere online, people are still talking about the story of Mara Unduk.

Asks writer Bob Demaria: "Listen and read the old tales of the ancients who passed them down to us. Modern science knows nothing and is thoroughly ignorant because they’re more intelligent and ancient man was primitive and full of superstitious beliefs."

Mara Unduk two moons. Mayana, Goddess of the Lower Moon and Buwana, Goddess of the Higher Moon

No the moon came from outside our solar system. But did come relatively close. You need to listen to the ancients rather modern science that dreams up scenarios that have no reality.

The Mara Unduk tale: The Mara Unduk story

(Another story). The story of Mani the moon from the Prose Edda and the 2 children who traveled with Mani. Their names Hjuki and Bil from which the tale of Jack and Jill are derived. Even that story was once called Jack and Gil two brothers

Which brings me to the ancient Hebrew word “Sencherib” Which means “the moon god Sin replaced the two brothers”

Zulu tale of two brothers who rolled the moon across the heavens.

From Revelations how the old serpent (there is an Arab name for the moon which translates into English as “the old one” A fact the moon is older than earth) Which swept a third of the stars from the heavens and flung them to earth. Carolina Bays impact zone of an estimated half million impacts. A hotly debated topic but a fact.

Listen and read the old tales of the ancients who passed them down to us. Modern science knows nothing and is thoroughly ignorant because they’re more intelligent and ancient man was primitive and full of superstitious beliefs.

Do you have any idea of the devastation the moon caused once it became tidally locked into orbit? Here is one image

Ripped from the earth! Revelations 16:18 Then there came flashes of lightning, rumblings, peals of thunder and a severe earthquake. No earthquake like it has ever occurred since mankind has been on earth, so tremendous was the quake.

Revelations 16:20 Every island fled away and the mountains could not be found. Maybe they really had Vimana’s over 12,000 years ago. Frozen mammoths in Siberia whose only logical explanation was that they were quick frozen after the earth shifted on it’s axis. Nowhere in the Yukon and Siberia can you dig without finding MUCK and BONES

Revelations 12:4 Its tail swept a third of the stars out of the sky and flung them to the earth. The dragon stood in front of the woman who was about to give birth, so that it might devour her child the moment he was born.

The woman is “mother earth” and her son is Sol. The dragon was going to devour her son is a “solar eclipse” Remember three days of darkness and rapidly plummeting temperatures. As described by worshippers of the dawn or of the sun.

Now who and what is this? Remains of two brothers? Don’t know frankly Dust‐cloud moons of the earth

Just thinking Jormungandr is the dragon of Revelations who initiated Ragnarok. Jörmungandr - Wikipedia

Ragnarök - Wikipedia

Thor is Lord Hadad both gods of thunder

Ancient history my boys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


by Eli J. Obligacion (1992)

...common ancestry, chaos and catastrophe, enlightenment

Mayana and Buwana, goddesses from the sky.

In the days of Bathala, when two moons still sailed the sky, the earth was inhabited by highly-gifted spirit-people who lived in harmony with all existence. Such immense powers they possessed, for they controlled the four elements of Fire, Air, Water and Earth.

Mayana angered ( Southern Tagalog Kundiman Fiesta 1996)

Over time, they became too proud to the point that Mayana, the Goddess of the Lower Moon, was angered, smashing her lunar abode onto the earth. 

Unang Delubyo (Easter Sunday 1996)

This was known as the first upheaval - that caused an island to spring from the bottom of the the ocean. The few survivors named it Mara Unduk, sea mountain.

Katalona (2004)

The Earth was left under the care of the gentle Goddess of the Higher Moon, Buwana. A new order was established under the rule of the sorcerer, Katalona, who dominated the people's lives. But the survivors who have learned to hunt for food have forgotten who they were or where they came from. They had no notion of their destiny.

Magic (2004)

Strange dreams haunted the people for a long time. Through magical rituals they began to understand those dreams with the help of the spirit-protector, Marindik.
Alon and Baylana.(2004)

Alon, a hunter who served as Katalona's apprentice falls in love with the prettiest maiden, Baylana. The relationship ended in a tragedy for the maiden and for Katalona, he who believed that Alon's mission to chart his people's destiny was loftier that Alon's love for Baylana

Chaos (1996)

Such lawlessness and disorder descended upon the village that the people lost their sense of hope and direction. Marindik was so displeased that she caused her dwelling on the mountaintop to emit burning rocks, and the heaven to weep.

Deluge (1996)

The villages were submerged in mud and sand, bringing havoc and destruction once again. In the midst of it all, Alon finds union with his primeval past, and emerged in harmony with the elemental spirits and with all existence.

Mystical island of Mara Unduk.

The enlightened Alon becomes whole again as the new Tao -
 he who will lead his people to their rightful and glorious place under the sun.

Golden Age of Marinduque?