Monday, September 28, 2020

"FOR GOD AND OUR COUNTRY 15-21" - The Cayetano-Velasco Term-Sharing Covenant

 “Palabra de honor” is a time-honored Filipino value that demands a sense of truthfulness, honor and reliability. We honor them by fulfilling our commitments even without any legal document. In this case, the parties even chose, for posterity and for all the world to see, to enter into a Covenant, making theirs a formal, solemn and binding agreement. 

Before the portrait of Pres. Rodrigo Roa Duterte, then would-be House Speaker, Rep. Alan Peter Cayetano and Rep. Lord Allan Velasco with House Majority Leader Martin Romualdez show their signed covenant. Covenant is defined as a formal, solemn and binding agreement.

From Cong. Lord Allan Velasco:

Trust and honor are values that are important, especially in these trying times. They reveal our true character and show what we, as leaders, are truly made of.

And it is in this period of difficulty that our people yearn for honorable leaders whom they can trust–– Leaders who are able to live up to their promises come hell or high water, Leaders with Palabra de honor who lead not with lip service, but who back up their words with action.

When the House Speakership term-sharing agreement was entered into, it was based on mutual trust and confidence. After all, it was an agreement brokered by and forged in the presence of no less than President Rodrigo Duterte.

The covenant was crystal clear: a 15-21 term-sharing agreement. The first term expires on Sept 30, after which the second term immediately begins. That was the pledge made before the President. As true leaders and as examples for our people, both sides are obligated to avoid situations or statements that would subvert the agreement and betray the trust of our people who’ve stood witness to the covenant.

Let us uphold the agreement as this was made “FOR GOD AND OUR COUNTRY 1521”.  I have always intended to honor the agreement. We all should. Our people deserve nothing less.

Close up of the Covenant with the signatures of the three gentlemen.
 "For God and Our Country 1521"

Current House Speaker Cayetano was first to sign.

Cong. Lord Allan Velasco's turn to sign.

Cong. Martin Romualdez affixes his signature as witness.