Thursday, October 8, 2020

Marinduque Gov. Presby Velasco issues EO on Enhanced Guidelines to Prevent further COVID-19 Local Transmission


Marinduque has logged a total of 64 cases of which 41 are active COVID-19 cases as of October 7, 2020.

For this reason, an urgent need to provide more effective and stronger protocols to prevent more cases and stop further local transmission was so decided by the provincial government in a meeting held yesterday at the Governor's Hall at the capitol building.

The Provincial Health Office (PHO), district hospitals and municipal health offices in Marinduque have earlier met to scrutinize the growing cases and to “review the current borer controls, health standards, quarantine protocols and other related measures.”

Consequently, Gov. Presbitero J. Velasco, Jr. issued EO No. 34-2020 titled Enhanced Guidelines to Prevent Further COVID-19 Local Transmission.

Gov. Velasco ordered strict compliance with the IATF-MEID Omnibus Guidelines and promulgate EO No. 34 as follows:

Section 1. Door-to-door Vans and service vehicles. Door-to-door vans and service vehicles with no franchise are prohibited from entering Marinduque for being contrary to LTFRB rules. Said passenger service operations are suspended effective October 6, 2020 until further notice. The fact that a door-to-door van driver was tested positive for COVID-19 plus the alarming recent spread of said virus infection clearly justify the temporary stoppage of the door to door operations of vans and service vehicles.

Section 2. Period of Entry/Exit of ROFs, APORs, LSIs and Delivery Trucks and Vehicles. The admissions of ROFs, LSIs and APORs shall only be allowed from 6:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. However, delivery vehicles and trucks shall be allowed entry to the province at any time of the day.

Section 3. Entry requirements for ROFs, APORs and LSIs. He following shall be required upon arrival at Marinduque.

a)         OFWs and ROFs; They must present a certificate stating negative test results using the RT-PCR Test and the completion of 14-day quarantine issued by the DOH or the LGU of origin.

b).        APORs who are drivers and helpers of delivery trucks and vehicles who are residing outside Marinduque shall undergo RT-PCR Test or Rapid Antigen test at the Balanacan port or shall present their certificate of testing from any DOH accredited hospital, clinic or facility located outside Marinduque, provided that such certificate shall only be valid for two (2) weeks or fourteen (14) days from the date of testing. Said drivers shall conclude their delivery within 24 hours from the time they leave Balanacan port compound. A violation of the rule shall bar the entry of the erring driver or helper to Marinduque.

c).        Drivers and helpers of delivery trucks who are residents of Marinduque shall also be subjected to RT-PCR test or Rapid Antigen test upon arrival at Balanacan port from another LGU unless they have been tested before entry and can produce the certificate of testing. They shall undergo a 14-day quarantine in an isolation area unless they are instructed to drive their vehicle to transport goods in which case, they will be allowed to temporarily leave the isolation area.

d)         APORs who are non-residents and are government officials and employees, doctors, nurses and other health care workers shall be allowed to enter the province provided they shall undergo mandatory RT-PCR test or Rapid Antigen test upon entry or they can produce a certificate of testing. They shall indicate in their travel clearance their daily activities in the province with the time they will perform the same. After their official functions, they shall remain at all times in the hotel or lodging facility where they are staying.

e)         APORs who are private individuals, non-residents and have commercial transactions and other activities in the province shall secure an Authority to Enter by calling the hotlines to wit: 0930-510-2411 (Angel), 0956-748-2976n (Rechelle), and 0939-936-7133 / 0917-377-4163 (Mr. Jing Madrigal), and shall undergo mandatory RT-PCR or Rapid Antigen testing upon entry. They shall provide the ProvincialTask Force their itineraries with the corresponding time of performance and shall limit their movements to authorized areas only. They shall undergo quarantine in their temporary dwelling place after they are done with the specified activities.

f)         LSIs shall follow the current protocols implemented by the IATF, and in addition, exercise and assign an undertaking that they will undergo mandatory facility or community quarantine for fourteen (14) days upon arrival at Balanacan port. Further, if theLSIs are immediate members of a family and want to stay permanently in the province, then they should apply for the Balik Probinsya 2 Program.

g)         NO HOME QUARANTINE IS ALLOWED for LSIs, OFWs, ROFs, APORs, drivers and helpers. They shall undergo a 14-day quarantine at a provincial or municipal or barangay community quarantine area unless they are APORs who are government officials and employees on official business, doctors and other health personnel who can stay at a hotel or other lodging facility where they will undergo self-quarantine.

Section 4. Directives to Municipal and Barangay Governments.

                 1). Localized Community Quarantine.

a)      Due to the increasing COVID-19 cases, Municipal Mayors are directed to place certain areas under localized community quarantine or containment zones in cases of infection in said areas in strict compliance with the safety and health requirements prescribed by the IATF-MEID., DOH and other national government agencies. All said IATF and related guidelines and protocols must be strictly enforced. 

b)      Barangays ahall set up checkpoints on barangay roads to ensure that only those authorized persons can go outside their residences and curfew is strictly enforced.

c)       BHERTSs shall immediately conduct house to house visits to subject ALL barangay residents to prescribed medical examination in order to determine if they are infected of the virus. 

d)      Residents with COVID-19 symptoms shall be reported to the Municipal Health Office for testing and medical examination pursuant to Rep. Act. No. 11332. 

e)     The Provincial PNP shall set up and conduct checkpoints on national and provincial roads to determine if persons are authorized to go out of their residences and to determine if persons are authorized to go out of their residences and to determine if residents are compliant with IATF and NTF directives and orders on COVID-19. Barangay officials can set up checkpoints in their respective areas except on national or provincial roads.

 2).       No Mass Gatherings. Except for masses and other religious services whose capacity is restricted to 50%, no mass gatherings such as but not limited to seminars, trainings, parties, wakes, weddings, sports events and the likes shall be allowed until November 7, 2020.

 3).     Ordinance Violation Receipt.  The Sangguniang Bayans of the six (6) towns shall pass an ordinance authorizing the issuance of Ordinance Violation Receipt (OVR) for violation of local ordinances and executive orders more especially those relating to COVID-19.

4).     Liquor Ban and Curfew. Municipal governments are directed to issue an ordinance on Liquor ban and the prohibition against drinking in public. Curfew ordinances shall strictly prohibit persons who are not APORs to go out of their residences from 8:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m.


This Executive Order is effective from October 8, 2020, until recalled.