(As of today, March 23, 2010, as prepared by the Provincial Tourism Office based on the capitol's calendar and data submitted by the municipal tourism offices, religious sector and participating groups).
5:00am and 6:30 am Holy Mass in all Parishes
7:30 am “HOSANAHAN” (Procession in all town centers celebrating Christ’s entry to Jerusalem with participants showing off their gaily decorated palaspas, palm fronds)
8:00 am Holy Palm Sunday Mass in all Parishes
9:00 am Opening of GASAN AGRO-INDUSTRIAL TRADE FAIR ’10”, Guingona Park, Gasan
4:00 pm “Estacion Heneral” (Makeshift altars mounted in front of selected houses in the poblacion serve as points where the Stations of the Cross are relieved by the faithful) All parishes.
5:30 am Holy Mass in all Parishes
7:30 am Pilgrimage Visit to major Churches of the Diocese
7:45 am Registration of MORIONS (By tradition morions register already dressed up in designated places in town centers), BOAC, GASAN, TORRIJOS, MOGPOG, STA. CRUZ.
8:00 am “COMMUNITY PARADE OF COSTUMES” (Boac Town Center. Public and private sector officials and employees in morion-inspired costumes or costumes of biblical characters, turning the town center into a ‘small Jerusalem’. In Torrijos town similar activity of wearing kaftan and parade of morions are held by the public and private sector from Holy Monday to Holy Wednesday; In Sta. Cruz Poblacion, “Pabasa” and Parade of Costumes participated in by municipal employees are similarly held.
10:00 am MARINDUQUE EXPO 2010 (“PATULOY ANG ASENSO SA TURISMO AT NEGOSYO” Marinduque Products and neighboring provinces and cities. (March 29 – April 4), Moriones Park, Boac Riverside
7:00 pm-“BB. NG LAHI – MARINDUQUE 2010” Beauty Pageant Talent Night, Buenavista Coastal Park
5:30 am Holy Mass in all Parishes
7:00 am. Pabasa ng Pasyon sa mga Parokya
8:00 am MARINDUQUE EXPO 2010, Moriones Park, Boac Riverside (March 29 – April 4)
9:00 am Parade of Kapatirang Morion Group, Boac.
REGIONAL HOY WEEK CAMP & BOARD OF REVIEW, Boy Scouts of the Philippines (BSP) Southern Tagalog (March 30-Apr 3). MNHS Campus.
10:00 am Parade/Visita Iglesia of MISTAH Morion Group, Our Lady of Peace and Good Voyage Parish, Balanacan, Mogpog
2:00 pm Parade/Visita Iglesia of MISTAH Morion Group, St. Joseph the Worker Parish, Malabon, Sta. Cruz; proceeding to Holy Cross Parish, Sta. Cruz Poblacion
3:00 pm Parade of Kapatirang Morion Group, Boac Poblacion
8:00 pm- SENAKULO Part I-” Presented by the Provincial Government of Marinduque in cooperation with Sinakulistas, Moriones Arena, Boac Riverside
5:30 Holy Mass in all Parishes
4:00 am “Pabasa ng Pasyon” (Traditional chanting of the poetic narrative on the Passion of Christ), Gasan Kiosko
8:00 am “COMMUNITY PARADE OF COSTUMES” (Boac Town Center to Moriones Park. Joined in by government employees and Regional BSP Southern Tagalog Camp participants.
8:00 am Parade/Visita Iglesia of MISTAH Group, St. Joseph Parish, Gasan Poblacion
9:00 am Parade of Morion Groups, Boac Poblacion;
Parade/Visita Iglesia of MISTAH Morion Group, Sto. Nino Parish, Buenavista Poblacion
10:00 am “PAGPAPAKASAKIT NI JESUKRISTO”, Mogpog Poblacion; “KALBARYOHAN”, Sta. Cruz Poblacion (Holy Wednesday to Good Friday)
11:00 am Parade/Visita Iglesia of MISTAH Morion Group, Our Lady of Perpetual Succor Parish, Torrijos Poblacion
3:00 pm Confession in all Parishes; Parade of Kapatirang Morion Group, Boac Poblacion
4:00 pm Holy Mass in all Parishes
5:00 pm Holy Wednesday Religious Procession, all Town centers
7:00 pm “ SENAKULO PART II” Presented by the Provincial Government of Marinduque in cooperation with Sinakulistas, Moriones Arena, Boac Riverside.

7:30 pm- “ ANG KRISTO:PASYONDULA” (PASSION PLAY) Presented by the Provincial Government of Marinduque and the Municipality of Buenavista in cooperation with Teatro Balangaw & Cultural Center of the Philippines (CCP), Buenavista Coastal Park
4:00 am “Pabasa ng Pasyon”, Gasan Kiosko
8:00 am Parade of Morion Groups, Boac Poblacion
9:00 am Misa ng Krisma in all Parishes
9:00 am “BATTLE OF THE MORIONS 1”, (Judging of the Best Morion Costumes and Masks), Moriones Arena, Boac Riverside
2:00 pm “BATTLE OF THE MORIONS 2” (Competition of morions in choreographed movements participated in by contingents from the municipalities), Moriones Arena, Boac Riverside
5:00 pm Holy Mass in all Parishes in celebration of the Last Supper
6:00 pm- Religious Procession-Gasan Independent Church
7:30 pm “ANG KRISTO: PASYONDULA” (PASSION PLAY) Presented by the Provincial Government of Marinduque in cooperation with Teatro Balangaw & CCP, Moriones Arena, Boac Riverside.
6:00 am Tawak Drinking. (Ritual. Drinking of herbal potion against poisonous bites)
6:00 am FLAGELLANTES/ANTIPO. (Self-flogging by penitents till sundown)Boac Cemetery; Gasan Cemetery
8:00 am “SINAKULO” (Street play with morions joining). Torrijos Poblacion
9:00 am “VIA CRUCIS” (The Way of the Cross. Re-enacted along the streets of Boac by Sinakulistas and Morion groups culminating at the Moriones Arena).
12:00 pm Seven Last Words in all Parishes
2:00 pm FLAGELLANTES. (Self-flogging by penitents) Gasan and Mogpog cemeteries
4:00 pm Good Friday Religious Procession, all town centers
8:00 pm “KRISTO: ANG TAGAPAGLIGTAS” (Stage presentation. People’s Park, near Sta. Cruz Public Market).
9:00 am Kite Flying Contest-Gasan Reyes Park
2:30 pm- Kalutang Contest- Guigona Park- Gasan
7:00 pm “PUGUTAN” (Stage presentation on the Longhino story), Torrijos Covered Court
7:30 pm- Interpretive Songs & Dances For Holy Week-Gasan Guingona Park
Boac Cathedral and all Churches.
4:00 am “SALUBONG AT BATI”/”ALELUYAHAN” (Ritual and Dance celebrating the appearance of the Risen Christ before the Blessed Mother. Designated area, all town centers.
5:00 am, 6:30 am, 8:00 am.Holy Easter Mass, all Parishes.
7:30 am “GASANG-GASANG EASTER SUNDAY STREET-DANCING FESTIVAL” (Street dancing competition by various contingents in native and morion-inspired costumes). Gasan Poblacion & Guingona Park
8:30 am Grand Parade and Awarding of Prizes to Morions, Mogpog Covered Court
9:00 am Parade of MISTAH Morion Group, Boac Poblacion
10:00 am “TRADITIONAL PUGUTAN”,(Mock beheading of Longhino), Mogpog Covered Court & Boac Covered Court
7 :00 pm- “BB. NG LAHI – MARINDUQUE 2010” Beauty Pageant Grand Pageant Night-Coastal Park, Buenavista.
7:30 pm San Miguel Beer Plaza, Boac Covered Court
8:00 pm- SENAKULO Part III- PUGUTAN, Moriones Arena, Boac Riverside
Activities in the feastivities should be always relevant to the occasion. What a heck is the beauty pagent doing in this, supposed to be, solemn celebration of holy week?
Hi, we shared your article in our fanpage.
Thank you.
hi larry, I did ask the beauty pageant organizers about that opinion as some have made the same observation. The contest, I was advised, is to be held in the evening of Easter Sunday, a day of rejoicing and celebration all over the world...
Eli, thank you for taking sometime to clarify the isuue.
Eli, Can you possibly post some video of Kristo Pasyondula" presented recently in Buenavista, not necessarily full length, excerpt will do. Thank you and it will be highly appreciateed.
The Buenavista video had bad sound quality. I just captured photos from that video and posting some of them now. Thanks.
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