At 12:15 p.m. on Dec. 31, with the sun hidden behind rainclouds the Amoingon coastline appears to be fresh-smelling as it actually was.

After what seemed an unending flurry of New Year's eve confusion and noise, smog, not found in Marinduque, covers Quezon City at 6.13 a.m.
Exhaust of fuel-burning engines in cars, buses, jeepneys and trucks, mixed with high level of metallic particles in smoke emitted by fireworks the night before are quite evident as they remain in the atmosphere till the morning after and beyond that.

At 7:04 a.m. haze created by smog would not allow the sun to be completely visible.

Ah, so why suffer the city? Marinduque beckons for you and for me.

Amoingon again!