Monday, August 19, 2013

Scrapping the pork barrel 1 (declaring a people 'dead')


By Bishop Benny Navarro - C2G2 Chairman

"Today, we declare the Filipino people dead. Treacherously murdered by the very people whom they have trusted to take care of them, to govern them with honesty and integrity. The Filipino people have so trusted these murdering and blood sucking leeches and snakes with their lives and money through taxes, which the people painstakingly earned with their blood, sweat and tears, are now gone. Like Cain, after murdering his brother Abel, just shrug his shoulders, and with smile of mockery on his face, declared: "Am I my brother's keeper?"

"The enemy of the Filipino people is in their midst. The enemies are not colored white, black, or yellow. They are brown like us. They are Filipinos like us. They are Filipinos who have sold their souls to the Devil. They are the Filipino Judases called Congressmen and Senators. They live in palaces and own condominiums, riding in the most expensive cars, being attended by servants and drivers, swaggering around surrounded by bodyguards at the expense of the Filipino people who wallow in the most degrading life of poverty, who live in squalor in cramp areas caked in mud and filth. Their food is whatever that comes to them and their future, including that of their children, if they ever have one, has already been hacked to the devil..."