"Prophecies are given to warn people so that they can prepare for what is to come, or to allow our aware consciousness to raise to higher levels, thus enabling us to alter a probable event. NO PROPHECY IS GUARANTEED TO OCCUR. If this were the case it would indicate that we do not have free will. This is what Tribulation is all about --- exercising our free will, a time period of choosing our spiritual ideals, and who we serve." - Gordon-Michael Scallion
Robert A. Nelson's work, Prophecy: A History of the Future, archives prophetic visions of both ancient and modern prophets concerned with global catastrophes "in the near future". While none has made 100% accuracy, many of them have made short and long-term predictions that came to pass during or after their lifetime. Predictions that did not happen during their lifetime may, however, be actually occurring now in this, our lifetime. Nelson believes they may be useful to us, for "time is running out for these prophecies to be fulfilled or annulled."
Edgar Cayce |
On the question, what is the shape of the world to come, replied Cayce under that sleeping state:
In the next few years lands will appear in the Atlantic as well as in the Pacific. And what is the coast line now of many a land will be the bed of the ocean...
Portions of the now east coast of New York, or New York city itself, will in the main disappear. This will be another generation, though, here; while the southern portions of Carolina, Georgia - these will disappear. This will be much sooner...
The waters of the lakes will empty into the Gulf, rather than the wareway over which such discussions have been recently made..
Then (Virginia Beach) will be among the safety lands, as will be portions of what is now Ohio, Indiana and Illinois, and much of the southern portion of Canada and the eastern portion of Canada, while the western lands - much of that is to be disturbed - in this land - as - as, of course, much in other lands. (272-35; January 21, 1936)
Even many of the battle fields of the present will be ocean, will be the seas, the bays, the lands over which the new order will carry on their trade as one with another. (1152-11 - August 13, 1931).
Edgar Cayce's A.R.E. (Association for Research and Enlightenment), also mentions some of his psychic readings. Founded by Cayce in 1931 A.R.E. explores spirituality, holistic health, intuition and the application of core concepts found in the more than 14,000 documented psychic readings. On the matter concerning the shape of the world to come we find the following:
Decades before the rest of the world was thinking about the enormous impact that China would have upon the global stage, Edgar Cayce predicted great things for China and its people. On one occasion, Cayce told a group of people that eventually China would become “the cradle of Christianity, as applied in the lives of men. (3976-29).
Cayce then went on to caution that it would take a long time to manifest but that it was the country’s destiny: “Yea, it is far off as man counts time, but only a day in the heart of God – for tomorrow China will awake.”
On another occasion... asked about the destiny of China in 1943, just prior to his own trip to the country to serve in the capacity of a missionary, Cayce promised amazing changes in the country that would lead to more democracy and greater religious freedom. He also suggested that eventually the height of civilization would move from the West to the Chinese people: “And these will progress. For, civilization moves west.”
Cayce on armed conflicts:
The powers of light and darkness, as then, as sixteen hundred (1600) years before. As in those periods, so today – we find nation against nation; the powers of death, destruction, the wrecking of that which has been and is held near and dear to the hearts of those who have through one form or another set ideals.
These are not to be questioned, in that as may be a helpful force; but what is coming to pass? And how may ye as individuals help? …
Strifes will arise through the period. Watch for them near Davis Strait in the attempts there for the keeping of the life line to a land open. Watch for them in Libya and in Egypt, in Ankara and in Syria, through the straits about those areas above Australia, in the Indian Ocean and the Persian Gulf. (3976-26) April 28, 1941
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Jeane Dixon |
The seeress Jeane Dixon (1918-1997) was a prolific predictor of events. She accurately foretold the assassinations of Mahatma Ghandhi, Martin Luther King, John F. Kennedy, and his brother Robert, as well as many other astounding predictions."When a psychic vision is not fulfilled as expected, it is not because what has been shown is not correct; it is because I have not interpreted it correctly," she said.
Like Nostradamus (C. 1:60) and St. John (Revelation 8: 8-12), Jeane Dixon saw that Earth will be struck by a comet. But her timing was premature:
I have seen a comet strike our Earth around the middle of the 1980s. Earthquakes and tidal waves will befall us as a result of the tremendous impact of this heavenly body in one of our great oceans..."
She saw a’government within a government’ being controlled and financed by a well-oiled political ‘machine’ in the U.S.:
The social and religious chaos generated by this political machine throughout the United States will prepare the nation for the coming of the prophet of the Antichrist. This political unit of the East will be the tool of the serpent in delivering the masses to him.
The False Prophet’s domain shall be the intellectual seduction of mankind. It means a mixture of political, philosophical, and religious ideology that will throw the populations of the world into a deep crisis of faith in God... One of his first duties and responsibilities in readying the world for the advent of his ’master’ is to manipulate the available propaganda machines. With teaching and propaganda the prophet will cause people not merely to accept the Antichrist but rather to desire him with positive enthusiasm to create the conditions of his coming and to participate in organizing the frightful and terrifying despotism of his World Empire.
[The seemingly miraculous phenomena he will produce] will not be supernatural or preternatural events but rather prodigies of science and human achievements, but interpreted in such a way as to lead men away from God and toward the worship of the Antichrist... The prophet of the Antichrist and the Antichrist himself will be specific and identifiable persons!"
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Gordon-Michael Scallion |
Many others, of course, have warned that super-quakes would occur in the latter days of this cycle of civilization, but none have pinpointed a date just when it would happen.
According to Scallion:
With the beginnings of the shifting of the magnetic poles, the forces of nature react. Weather becomes erratic throughout the world --- trade winds shift,
high winds occur... the polar regions begin to melt...
New plagues emerge --- diseases of the optic system and parasympathetic system... the body’s electrical system unbalanced due to interaction between the body and Earth’s magnetic field and electromagnetic pollution. Heart failures increase. The alternative healing emerges, so more turn to natural healing methods, many forced by lack of insurance...
Scallion's future map of the World is most intriguing. This includes a supposed future map of the Asian region and the region of Australia-New Zealand.
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Mahatma Gandhi |
"Mankind is approaching hard times, because as soon as the measure of its sins will be full, it will be called to account by the superior power above us. You may call this event as you wish: Judgment day, final settlement, or doomsday. It will come, most likely, very soon. Whoever will survive this settlement will see an entirely new earthly existence manifested. For a long, very long time the word war will be crossed out from the dictionary of mankind, perhaps even for all time..."
Yet we know that there are Bible prophecies telling us about the Great Tribulation. A period of extreme cataclysms, increased religious strife and deception, persecution, demonic miracles, pestilence, famines, massive deaths and other terriying events where seas roar and heavenly bodies are shaken. And then...
Mat 24:36-42 (NIV) "No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark; and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. Two men will be in the field; one will be taken and the other left. Two women will be grinding with a hand mill; one will be taken and the other left. Therefore, keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come."
Luke 21:25-28 (NIV) "There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars. On the earth, nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea. Men will faint from terror, apprehensive of what is coming on the world, for the heavenly bodies will be shaken. At that time they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near."