Saturday, May 23, 2015

Magnetic Poles to Meet in Our Lifetime; Auroras in the Philippines?

Magnetic Pole Flip, Magnetic Pole Shift, Magnetic Pole Reversal, Geomagnetic Reversal. What else do they call it? Whatever, all seem to agree that it is happening now but they do differ on how fast the magnetic North and Magnetic South are reversing. 

The findings from a prolific researcher, Ben Davidson, who appears to be in constant huddle with a team of researchers and scientists, and whose website and Youtube videos I've followed now and then starkly differ in one respect.

We all thought that the magnetic North and the magnetic South will be interchanged in a reversal. Even Wiki says that. But scientific data apparently shows something very different - and quite stunning! 

Davidson's research shows that the magnetic North is heading faster and faster across the Arctic towards Siberia while the magnetic South, in a much slower pace, comes up from below Australia. Eventually the twain are destined to meet below the Equator - in the vicinity of our neighboring country, Indonesia. 

Through the South China Sea

If and when this happens, on its way below the Equator, the magnetic North at a certain point would be passing through the South China Sea, just west of the Philippines and her 7,107 islands. A colorful display of auroras in the Philippine skies would probably be commonplace by then!

And this event will happen "in our lifetime" according to official word. They say it could happen "as quickly as 80 years, a human lifetime", but Davidson says "we're already a hundred years into this one".

Davidson says in his website that we "have the ability to do our homework and come to our own conclusion". In the light of the sharp increase in earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, sinkholes, massive bird-animal-fish die offs in many places, extreme weather anomalies, increased natural disasters in general, maybe, really this is something for us to ponder upon?

Five Truths About Earth’s Magnetic Reversal

 Excerpts transcribed by this blogger from the above video by Ben Davidson, Suspicious Observers and Observatory Project

 #1 Earth’s Magnetic Poles are Shifting

While Earth’s magnetic pole shift does not exactly make mainstream news headlines, it’s not exactly a state secret either. For more than a decade now, scientists have been publishing evidence that Earth’s magnetic poles are in the process of reversing.

Positions of the Magnetic North Pole from 1831 to 2014
 In 2003, the public got a huge leap in learning when NASA published their foundation article on how Earth is changing in this way. They plotted every position of the North magnetic pole over the last 175 years and we can see that in 1831 to 1904, for migration during the first 73 years was fairly normal, but that was followed by a much larger jump over just 68 years and then jumped that same distance in only 29 years.. The North Pole has certainly began to shift…

Although the South magnetic pole is moving more slowly, it is definitively shifting too and has now left the continent of Antarctica, coming up in the southeastern Indian Ocean… The poles are shifting faster and faster.

Where the magnetic poles are expected to meet.

#2 Earth’s Magnetic Field is Fading

Part of Earth’s magnetic system is the magnetosphere, Earth’s magnetic shield. As if the shifting poles were not enough, we notice the progressive weakening of our shield, similar to the pole shift, weakening faster and faster.

As of the year 2000 update our field had lost 10% of the strength it enjoyed before the magnetic poles began to shift, and since then we have noted further weakening….. In fact as of late 2010 or early 2011 Earth’s magnetism is down 15%...

#3 The Poles are Moving Toward Each Other

You would think a magnetic reversal would occur with one pole going in one direction and the other pole moving around the opposite side of Earth keeping the poles pretty much on opposite sides of the planet, but that is not what we have here.

The path of the magnetic North and South poles
The North Pole is heading across the Arctic towards Siberia while the South comes up from below Australia. Because the North is moving faster and faster, their meeting place appears to be below the Equator near the Indonesian bend…

Final rendezvous: Below the Equator near Indonesia, Philippines not far behind.

 #4 Magnetic Reversals are Linked with Extinction Levels.

Unfortunately the end result of magnetic reversals is not such a happy tale for our planet. Our magnetic field protects us from the Sun which would strip our planet’s atmosphere without its protection… 

There’s a new danger now that was never present before. Way above our heads we find electric layers – magnetic fields wrapping around our planet. If we lose our shield we’re at risk for a danger that can happen much more quickly than an oxygen loss.

The greatest danger of solar eruption posed to Earth is electrical. The Sun can surge so much energy into the Earth that transformers and grids can be destroyed. We can be without electricity for years.

 #5 The Reversal May Come Sooner Than Expected.

… A few Berkeley scientists just blew that wide open (that magnetic reversal could take thousands of years). . We don’t have hundred or thousands of years left. The official word is that reversal can happen as quickly as 80 years, a human lifetime. We’re already a hundred years into this one.

Citations may be found on SuspiciousObservers/YouTube.