Monday, September 21, 2015

Looking to the skies for that "turning point in history"

“The sun shall turn to darkness, and the moon to blood, prior to the coming of the great and awesome day of the Lord.” (Joel 3:4)

Blood Moon experts are predicting major “turning points in history” when on September 28th, the fourth and final blood moon in the current tetrad series will take place during the commencement of the Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles) holiday.
This will be the fourth time in two years that a blood moon will occur on the Jewish holiday of either Tabernacles or Passover. The significance of the event has many Jews and Christians looking to the skies and gearing up for a major event that will affect the course of both Jewish and world history.
In the past millennia, only four documented tetrads have occurred on or around the Jewish holidays of Passover and Sukkot, and each one was followed by a major event that shifted Jewish and global history. Those tetrads occurred in the years 1428-1429, 1493-1494, 1949-1950, 1967-1968, and now, in 2014-2015.
Bob O’Dell and Gidon Ariel, founders of Root Source, an educational program in which Orthodox Israeli Jews teach Christians about the Bible and Judaism from a Jewish perspective, spoke to Breaking Israel News about the significance of this event.
Both O’Dell and Ariel believe that the importance of heavenly signs should not be ignored, and that some change is to be expected in the coming year, which just so happens to be a Jubilee year.
“We are not at all predicting the end of the world or the arrival of the Messiah in September,” said O’Dell. However, “If you look at all the blood moons that have occurred in history, you see that every time they arrive, they mark turning points in history – major new trends involving the Jewish people.” O’Dell added the disclaimer that these trends often take many years to play out. - BreakingIsraelNews