Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Cong, Lord Velasco's Judges-at-Large bill gets Senate nod

 Yesterday, May 20, 2019, Senate Bill No. 2065 or the “Judges-At-Large Act of 2018” was finally approved on third reading by Senate. This measure will pave the way for the creation of new positions in the Judiciary directed at meeting the goal of unclogging court dockets and speeding up the wheels of justice here in the country.

Marinduque Rep. Lord Allan Velasco, one of the contenders for House Speakership, is the original author of House Bill No. 2308, the bill which launched the proposal for the establishment of “Judges-At-Large” positions in the judicial system. 

Trust and confidence in the judiciary have been decreasing throughout the years due to alleged slow disposition of cases. Under the bill, “Judges-At-Large” or judges with no permanent salas and who can be assigned to courts with low volume of case disposition will be institutionalized. Hence, this bill would ultimately redound for the benefit of ailing litigants and victims who have been sidelined in their quest for judicial redemption.

Cong. Velasco would like to thank and congratulate all his counterpart legislators in the Senate who pushed and supported his idea for judicial innovation. With its passage in both the Lower and Upper Chambers of Congress, the bill will just need to hurdle the Bicameral Conference Committee before it is sent to the President for signature.