Quarterly Publication of Individuals, Who Have Chosen to Expatriate
This listing contains the name of each individual losing their United States citizenship (within the meaning of section 877(a) or 877A) with respect to whom the Secretary received information on a quarterly basis. The expatriation tax provisions under Section 877 and Section 877A of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) apply to US citizens who have renounced their citizenship and long-term residents (as defined in IRC 877(e)) who have ended their US resident status for federal tax purposes.
The PUBLIC RECORD published by the U.S. FEDERAL REGISTER that lists down the name "LLAMANZARES, MARY GRACE POE" is found in the following LINK. IT SHOWS POE LOST HER U.S. CITIZENSHIP IN JULY 2012 AS SHOWN BY IN THE RECORD THAT WAS PUBLISHED ON JULY 27, 2012 (Pls check the alphabetical listing):
It is INTERESTING TO NOTE THAT FROM 2012 UP TO THE PRESENT, the same Federal Registry DOES NOT CONTAIN the name of REGINA ONGSIAKO REYES, still the sitting REPRESENTATIVE OF MARINDUQUE inspite of COMELEC and SUPREME COURT decisions cancelling her COC in the 2013 Elections with a separate opinion from Supreme Court Justice Maria Lourdes Sereno stressing that she was a "non-candidate" in the said election.

Throwback posts:
Regina Ongsiako Reyes' embarkation and disembarkation entries as recorded by the Bureau contains surprising information that appears to shed light on issues raised in the social media. It shows after all that she has, indeed, a U.S.A. passport, a U.S.A. passport with number 306278853 under the name Regina Ongsiako Reyes, born July 3, 1959. She appeared to have started using the said passport in 2005. Based on Philippine Bureau of Immigration records therefore, Gina, as she is called, had obtained U.S. citizenship in 2005, and accordingly, a U.S. passport that she immediately used thereafter. Said record also shows that with the said passport, she repeatedly enters the country as a "BB", Balikbayan. Not as a returning Filipino citizen. Read
But hey! Does giving up American citizenship in 2005 (use of U.S passport started same year according to BI records), allow one to use same U.S. passport up to June 2012, and make for supposed renunciation of U.S. citizenship via a notary public on Sept. 21, 2012, (a belated claim), a 'superfluity'? (She filed her certificate of candidacy (COC) on October 1, 2012, that's just 10 days not even one month after the purported 'renunciation' that was not proven in Court).
A new one on Poe from Harry Roque:
"Poe should start counting residency after
renouncing US citizenship - Roque"
Counting the years of residency, Senator Grace
Poe should start during the time she renounced
her United States (US) citizenship, lawyer Harry
Roque said Thursday.
“So sa akin, from the time of renunciation doon
ka pa lang magkakaroon ng residency,” Roque
told Radyo Inquirer 990AM in an interview.
(Roque was Regina O. Reyes' legal counsel in the disqualification
case against her, a case characterized by flip-flopping declarations
under oath by the respondent and media statements by her

...This is one time I am not embarrassed to credit PNoy for his class act. According to a highly reliable source, before PNoy delivered his final State of the Nation Address on July 27, he asked to see Mrs. Llamanzares at the Batasan. He made sure no one else was around. There, with a minimum of conversation, he showed her a secret folder from Executive Secretary Paquito Ochoa, which made the color of her face change. It is not known (not yet anyway) what was in that folder, but it was obviously highly incriminating material.
There’s some speculation that the folder could contain an abbreviated record of Mrs. Llamanzares’s numerous misrepresentations about her personal circumstances, which not only disqualify her from pursuing the presidency or the vice-presidency, but even from retaining her seat in the Senate.
Thus far, Llamanzares and her supporters have chosen to ignore observations appearing in this space and other sections of the press that she is constitutionally disqualified from pursuing the presidency, the vice presidency, or even a seat in Congress. This because she is not “a natural-born citizen,” as required by the Constitution, defined as one who is a Philippine citizen from birth, who did not have to perform any act to acquire or perfect his/her citizenship.
Llamanzares is not “natural-born”, having been born stateless as a foundling of unknown parentage who was abandoned inside a church in Jaro, Iloilo on Sept. 3, 1968. She appears to have become a Filipino citizen through some legal process after she was adopted by the movie actor Fernando Poe Jr. and his wife Susan Roces. But she lost her Philippine citizenship after she moved to the US and became an American citizen. She returned to the Philippines in 2005, renounced her US citizenship in 2012, and tried to reacquire Philippine citizenship under RA 9225, otherwise known as “the Citizenship Retention and Reacquisition Act.”
For a while, many thought she had in fact reacquired Philippine citizenship. Even though she did not become a natural-born Filipino, people thought she became a Filipino citizen all over again, at least. That was the implication of her claim to citizenship. But this turns out to be mistake. A closer rereading of RA 9225 shows that Mrs. Llamanzares never became, and could never have become, a Filipino citizen under RA 9225. Why? Because the law covers not every former Filipino citizen who wants to repatriate, but only “former natural-born Filipino citizens” who would like to reacquire their former citizenship. Section 3 of the law provides:
“Sec. 3. Retention of Philippine citizenship. Any provision of law to the contrary notwithstanding, natural-born citizens by reason of their naturalization as citizens of a foreign country are hereby deemed to have reacquired Philippine citizenship upon taking the following oath of allegiance to the Republic.
“I ______________________solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines and obey the laws and legal orders promulgated by the duly constituted authorities of the Philippines, and I hereby declare that I recognize and accept the supreme authority of the Philippines and will maintain true faith and allegiance thereto; and that I impose this obligation upon myself voluntarily without mental reservation or purpose of evasion.”
The law is clearly restated in its implementing rules (BID Memorandum Circular No. AFF-04-01. So Mrs. Llamanzares not being “natural-born” cannot, and did not, legally reacquire Philippine citizenship. Whatever process she has gone through that looked like a reacquisition of Philippine citizenship was clearly void ab initio. Having renounced her US citizenship in 2012, and having no valid Philippine citizenship either, she appears to be back to her original status as a founding—-stateless.
Now, if this is what the folder contained, and PNoy thrust it into the hands of Llamanzares without blinking, it means he could still do bigger things for clean and honest elections and Philippine democracy. Will he?