Has he not corrupted and prostituted the constitutional offices such as the Commission on Elections, especially in 2013, where the Comelec chief was given P30 million, disguised as “intelligence funds” when this is contrary to law, and another P30 million to a general to “clean up the fraud, to make it appear that there was no electoral fraud committed?
Just see how prostituted the Commission on Audit, the Anti-Money Laundering Council, the Ombudsman, the Department of Justice, its National Bureau of Investigation which coaches witnesses and even manufactures evidence against the incumbent president’s political foes, yet when it comes to the presidential allies, they always find no evidence at all with which to charge them. Would they have done all these if the leaders were not corrupt, upheld the laws and the Constitution, and let justice reign, without him giving directives to these heads of agencies who should be independent of the Executive branch and even the Legislative branch? Would a president who upholds his oath of office and do right by every man and woman, and faithfully obey the Constitution do as Noynoy did all these five years and counting?
Not even the Senate and the House is free from corruption and servile toward the President and his allies. They have become his puppets on a string manipulated by Noynoy himself.
But of course as his propagandists always claim, Noynoy hasn’t been in any controversy, because his yellow media never made much of his bribery, which is corruption as the same media only go into series of “exposés” on alleged corruption against the perceived foes of Noynoy, going to the extent of trying and convicting them by publicity, ensuring that these political foes are seen by the public as guilty, even before a case is filed.
Not so in the case of Noynoy whom the same media portray as honest with no controversy attached to him.
Any right thinking individual would see through this image of honesty carefully crafted by Noynoy’s propagandists is much too shallow.
An honest leader certainly would not brook any corrupt acts by any of his aides and allies. After all, if a leader is truly honest then discovers that his aides are making a pile of money, would fire that ally who has been exposed as not only incompetent, but also corrupt.
Just how many times do his propagandists and spokesmen claim that he is honest and transparent? Almost everytime. Yet if a leader is honest, then surely that need not be stressed at all. But this line goes on and on, with his spokesmen even saying that there is no need for a freedom of information law because Noynoy and his government are transparent, and the yellow media swallow this hook line and sinker, since they are part of the propaganda base of Noynoy has done much for his allies and done much in destroying his foes, and institutions while basking in running his government by propaganda.