Full text of the mentioned article: "Senator W.A. Harris has received a Filipino flag from Major
Whitman, formerly a member of the famous twentieth Kansas regiment, who is now
in the Philippines. Major Whitman is serving in the second infantry, U.S.A. as a first lieutenant. The
flag was captured in a recent skirmish on the Island of Marinduque. It is a
field flag and measures 18x30 inches. Its colors are red, white and blue, with
but two bars and a triangle white. In the triangle are handpainted characters
representing the sun, surrounded by three large stars, which are black. The
material of the flag is ordinary bunting. Senator Harris also recived a copy of
the Filipino constitution, which was captured at Tacloban, Isle of Leyte. It is a diminutive edition,
being a handy size to carry in the pocket. It is said that every Filipino
soldier carries with him at all times a copy of their constitution. The copy
which Senator Harrris has possession of is the property of Senor Bernabe
Odayate, whose name is very legibly inscribed on the cover."
Information about this flag came to the knowledge of local historical researcher, Curtis Shepard, and was shared with this blogger years ago. Shepard maintains a blog, ulongbeach.com devoted to publication of research materials on Marinduque's past.